• foto what-we-do 1
  • foto what-we-do 2
  • foto what-we-do 3


  • Overseas adoption
    These offer support for the scholastic system, nutrition and health care and the prevention of illnesses due to water contamination.
  • Development projects
    These aim at creating educational programmes, social or environmental, as well as transmitting capacities in order to permit the continuation and survival of the projects.
  • Specific aid projects
    These provide for the contingent needs and requirements of families and their children as well as for those of the local community.

Structural factors such as poverty, illiteracy and exploitation, are the main obstacles which prevent the majority of children from benefiting from a healthy and balanced childhood.

School for Children is working to eliminate these factors and to improve the quality of their lives.

The sectors and capacities in which School for children has been specializing in over the years, concern scholastic education, the handicapped, the struggle against the exploitation of minors, the safeguarding of women and their integration, social welfare assistance, providing drinking water, hygiene and malnutrition.

To these sectors we must add: the creation of awareness and monitoring, the capacity of transmitting basic know-how, of resources and services in order to enable the projects already set up to continue.

School for Children also develops forms of collaboration with Indian institutions active in the area, both governmental and independent.

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School For Children
Via Cosenz, 35
20158 Milano

Tel: +39 375 556 7039

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