AREA OF INTERVENTION: cities of Jaworiw and Lublin, Ukraine and Poland
LOCAL PARTNER: Master Sisters of Santa Dorotea
OBJECTIVES: The main objective is the structural adaptation of the two important reception centers managed by the Dorotee nuns which offer refuge to Ukrainian refugees.
The two structures mostly welcome women and children who fled the bombings in the first months of the conflict and who are now waiting to be reunited with relatives and friends in Europe.
After-school activities and entertainment are organized in the centres, to guarantee the right to play and education for Ukrainian minors in transit.
In Lublin, the reconstruction of the electrical system and the insulation of the foundations from the humidity that causes mold formation is urgently needed, while in Jaworiw the after-school classrooms need to be repainted.
The nuns need school supplies, a minibus to transport the children, balls, bicycles, toys, beds, furniture and household appliances.
DIRECT BENEFICIARIES: Currently the two structures host 12 people in Poland and 25 in Ukraine, all those who will pass through the two structures in the coming months will benefit from the fundraising campaign.
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