Sister Shanty, for years our manager in Khammam and currently in Italy, has launched an important appeal to friends and collaborators: to support the Ukrainian congregation of Ursuline Sisters of the Heart of Jesus, active in the cities of Dnipro, Cernivci and Kamijanec'-Podil'skyj.
This association, linked personally and spiritually to the congregation of Sister Shanty, was born in 1988 to educate and support the youngest with catechetical and parish activities.
At the outbreak of the conflict, although they were able to seek asylum beyond the borders of Ukraine, the 15 Sisters of the congregation courageously chose to stay close to their community, opening the doors of their house to those fleeing the surrounding bombing, especially mothers with their children (only in Dnipro there are about 60!).
We at School For Children also wanted to give our help and so we responded to Sister Shanty's appeal: Here you can make a donation to the Ukrainian Ursuline Sisters of the Heart of Jesus, 15 extraordinary Sisters who heroically make their home everyone's home.
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